Jumlah Pengunjung Setakat Ini

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Birthday Celebration @ Little Vietnam, Midvalley

Yesterday was my hubby's big day. We just had our day off that day, just to take a break & some privacy moment for both of us together like ~zaman berchinta dolu2~

Since we get married & have kids, we never had a chance to wondering around shopping mall, watching movie together (sad isn't it?) & do something without kids. They (read:kids) always attached to us like UHU glue so i guess sometimes mama & papa really need their times out too;-)

We chose to go to Midvalley because we have already familiar with that place and honestly we want to remembering all those days when we are still couple 7 years ago ~kalau nak tahu, kat situlah tempat kami berdating..hihihi..kadang2 satu hari tu 2 kali p tengok movie tau;)~

Well, we watched movie that day but i don't want to blog about it, maybe in the next entry i will tell you about it. We had our lunch in Little Vietnam located on the 3rd floor in MV (near GSC movie). Since hubby want to try something different than before, i suggested him to try Tony Roma's or Madam's Kwan (sape yang nak try ni??). But as you know, my hubby is very choosy & alert about "ha lam alif mim" matter, err can somebody tell me is Tony Roma's Ha*lal or what since i never found their Ha*lal certificates (read:sticker) outside the restaurant?? Are they put it at the hidden place in there?? or they just don't mind to put Ha*lal certificates/sticker because they know many Muslims don't care about this anymore??

Well, Madam Kwan's place have the Ha*lal cert but hubby was so shocked with their price~~haahaahaa~~so we just walk around their kiosk & found this Little Vietnam restaurant. But we need to investigate first, Alhamdulillah it's got Ha*lal sticker so we entered the restaurant with confidencelah!!^-^

At first, we chose to sat up stairs but unfortunately due to unwanted circumstance, we have to move down~~tak kisahlah labu, janji rock!!~~

Their table reminds me of warung kampung!!
i love to see all the decorations in here
guess what animal is this??
i guess this is Vietnamese punya masterpiece kot..

Birthday boy man who reach his 3 series that day;-) love you till death sayang!!
more of their master piece;p

i order this;- three colors drink consist of coconut juice, cendol, red beans, sweet corn & santan..ala2 rasa ABC cendol gitu tapi kurang manis..really delicious, the price is RM7.80
"Blogging for Fame & Fortune", thanks hubby!!

Hubby ordered Vietnam Coffee (well this coffee is famous in Vietnam), the taste?? Kalau tak tahan pahit, jangan berangan nak minum;p price is RM8

This is what i ate yesterday, Pho Lemongrass Chicken, it comes with this noodle;- the taste was quite ok, rase macam kuah sup ayam sket and the chicken is here;-

really2 delicious because the chicken was tenderly blend with lemongrass & it taste more like satay ayam;-) price is RM15.80

euwwww, pahit!!

this is the chillies (already served on the table)
As for desserts, we ordered this Mango Mayo Prawn. Price is RM14
Hubby had this Stir Fried Clam, i like the taste ~macam makan nasi lauk daging goreng dengan halia & bawang goreng & kicap & sayur~~ Price is RM12
Overall, we are quite satisfied with their foods and will look forward to come again in the next future (ntah bilalah tu). Actually, they gave us a coupon where we entitled to receive free dish if we get 12 stamps from Little Vietnam Restaurant (each RM10 we spend equal to 1 stamp).

After that, shopping time (for my hubby je)~~haahaaahaa..mak kan isteri mithali so temanlah laki mak shopping sampai melecet kaki ni;p

Till then, happy birthday to my lovely husband. You have been great husband to me & i love you till end of my life, insya ALLAH!!

13 ulasan:

Mag berkata...

macam best jer kedai ni..happy bday husband kak ila~

KV berkata...

wah...romantik tu!!! Hihi
hepi besday utk en husband zaila.

Unknown berkata...

a'a...cam best jer. meleleh nih nengok.

N A N I E berkata...

Happy besday to hubby Zaila..Nice place..sangat best makanan kat situ..:)

Zaila Mohamad berkata...

Farah, bolehlah ngan selera tekak akak ni..thanks for the birthday wish!!

KV, lamo sangat dekpong dok romantik gitu

ComeyBelako, sila lap air mulut tu;p

Nanie, thanks again..dah tia dah laki zaila tu;-)

Ami berkata...

uish air tue mengancam kalbuuuu!
dpt air saje pon jadi doh nie hehe
happy bday hubby k.ila :)

Tanpa Nama berkata...

happy birthday mr. hamdan. (zaila, tul ke spelling mcm ni?)
welcome to the 3 series club ;)

Zaila Mohamad berkata...

Ami, mari ah KL nati kak ila velanjeee;)

Has, betullah tu..thanks!!

Lady of Leisure berkata...

banyaknya makanan... hehe.. btw happy birthday to yr hubby... lusa birthday lady lak hehe..

yatie chomeyl berkata...

hepi besday 2 ut hubby...sedaknyo food2 tuh

Nurhayati berkata...

happy belated buat en suami Zaila.
moga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki..

tgk gambar makanan tu semua sedap2.. takpernah lagi terjah kat situ, nampak gayanye kena try ni hihi

Zaila Mohamad berkata...

Lady, happy in advance birthday ya!!

Yatie, buleh ah try bila balik malaysia nanti

CPI, anak memang letak kat nursery, lagipun Haziq kan sekolah..sekali sekalalah katakan;p

Yati, u should try in here, jangan lupa order air tu

NadiahKhair berkata...

certain restaurant mcm tony roma's, chili's takde tanda halal bukan sebab makanan xhalal. tapi sbb they serve alcoholic drinks. thus JAKIM mmg takkan keluarkan cert halal wpun makanan dia halal.

Tp certain2 restaurant bagitahu dlm menu, apa makanan yang masak pakai wine. so kene alertlah. mcm italiannies or alexis, die ade mention dlm menu certain things yg die masak guna wine. so baca menu anda sunggoh2 ok.


Iklan Dibawakan Oleh Nuffnang


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