Well i did mention before this that i'm going to the Tarbush right? Well, already go there last Tuesday with my best friend. Honestly, i'm so excited to go there. Maybe because i have always wanted to try their foods after i got nice review from my friends~~siap buat homework bak kata
I must tell you that i was so lucky that day because both of us never go to Sunway but we manage to park near the place (if i'm not mistaken, it is near with Jusco) but you have to look carefully as the restaurant located in a quite hidden place. At first, we choose to sit outside the restaurant where you can see such a nice view from the balcony (Sunway Lagoon view) but after that we realized that it is quite hot outside so we moved in the restaurant and sit facing each other^____^
Owh, i really love their Interior Design, there were so many hanging lamps which is so Mediterranean look, their table also decorated with this unique pebbles;-

Before we order our menu, we were served by this appetizer consist of roti Arab & some jeruk (i'm not sure what it is, maybe olive pickles kot?) the taste?? Roti keras & jeruk masam thank you (-_-)

the view in front of me (love the lantern!!)

yours truly who always look
sweet fat!!!~~abaikan bahu nampak besar because i'm wearing my cardigan (again) & inside of it ada baju yang besar kedaung!!

I love their Mango juice, well i had 2 glasses that day, so oh-ver right?? ~~orang velanja, ape kukisah~~

More lights

This is what my friend's ordered that day, beriani Chicken(RM22 per plate)

I like to try this;- Tarbush Mixed Grill (RM30 per plate)

Yours truly was so greedy that day and she ordered beriani lamb for her (RM22 per plate)
Well, i was totally forgot that Lady have already told me that rice portion of nasi beriani is too much but i just ignore that because i was so hungry at that time~~alasan untuk tamak~~
When the waiter place the plate in front of me, both of us laughing aloud because we were too shock to see our meals **mampos aku kena perabih semua ni**

Some of the glass ornaments in Tarbush

Pic taken after my stomach was full with all the foods. Can you see that i just ate only half of it and the rest i ask the waiter to tapau for my hubby~~sian hubby makan bekas isteri dia;p maybe next time mama velanje hubby ya;-)

This is their desserts ( i forgot the name but the price is RM8 per plate). Both of us didn't like it as it smells so funny (like minyak atar gitu haahaahaa!!). Overall, i was totally satisfied with all the foods except their desserts;p Thanks to my beloved friend who is so kind to pay everything that i ordered that day. FYI, we spend almost RM100++ but i think with this kind of amount, you can eat for three persons here. Believe me, just look at their beriani rice, banyak bukan?? The taste?? LOVE it!! from beriani lamb to mixed grill, all of them was so delicious!!! I personally recommend this restaurant if you want to try some Arabic / Mediterranean meal;-)
As for me, will visit Tarbush in near future, maybe to try another menu i guess??
7 ulasan:
zaila..gambar2 itu sgt lazat hokay:D
byk nye food! patut la zaila ckp hr tu..pas ni kena pose ;)
sape kawan akak yang baek hati ni?
baru tau Tarbush ni ada kat sunway.. sblom ni pegi kat bukit bintang tu..itu pun skali je.. sbb orang blanje buka puasa kat sana hihi
sedapkan makanan2 dia.. abis semua sumbat, gemuk terus yati hahaha
dessert tu nmpk sedap sgt!
ya ampun sedapnya briyani tu zailaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
Maya, gambar aje dah sedap ya??
Has, iyerlah has..rase kenyang gile malam tu..hihihihi
Farah, nama harus dirahsiakan;-)
Yati, betul..makanan dia semua sedap2!!
Ernie, dessert tu nampak je sedap, tapi rasanya hermmm..bolehlah tapi to be honest, kami xhabis makan pun hari tu
Lady, sedap!!!
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