Jumlah Pengunjung Setakat Ini


Sabtu, 25 April 2009

Menu Today

Salam semua..feel sick bout my entry??always menu today??please don't worry guys cause this would be the last entry bout "Menu Today" as i'm officially declared that i have manage to cook for the whole weekdays..weeeeeehuuuu..ibu2 sekalian, kesibukan bekerja bukannya menjadi halangan untuk kita masak yea..thus, i'm asking all of hot mamas out there to try your best to cook for your own family..even though it is simple menu only..it's ok, as long as u prepare it with full of love & care..i am sure that your husband will love you more & more=)

As today, i just cook fried kue teow for our dinner tonite;

Sorry kalo nampak kurang menyelerakan kerna ketidakcukupan bahan2;0

Last night, before went to sleep..as always, i will first check my kids just to make sure their sleep in proper position & to make sure that the diaper is not "full tank"..then i noticed that both of my kids slept in the same position & their face almost the same!! xpercaya??

This is Amirul Haziq

and this is Nur Ameera Husna

Can't u see that they slept with their head a bit dongak and u can see that both of their cheeks are so montel;0
I can't resist from taking another pics of Ameera..she is so cute r nowadays (boley x puji anak dare sendiri??)..when i fetch her from nursery, her teacher will fasten her hair..so cutelah;0

suke keluarkan lidah macam tue..

boley nampak tak tocang dier teww??

Well guys, i guess i better go to sleep now..actually, on weekend's nite like today i am supposed to stay up but since my eyes feel really damn tired, i thot i better get some rest before my eyes terjojol keluaq..hihihihi..tomorrow gotta meet my new client (she is from Klang & wanna purchase Tudung Hawa from me) then in the evening have to go to LCCT to fetch my MIL..hurreeyy..ahad ni boleh makan nasi kerabu..my all time favourite food!!! so nite everyone!!!

4 ulasan:

Mama Eqalicha berkata...

COmeynyer tocang 'pokok kelapa' tu....

Geram tgkkk!!

Tgk kiss baby Ameera utk lynn yer !! :)

Zaila Mohamad berkata...

Lynn..done!! Zaila pon suka gomol Ameera..makin gemok & montel r my gurl ni

mslvoe berkata...

sha lum jadi ibu but everyday sha cooked for my family :-) bangga diri sat hehehe

comey la ur children. geram

Zaila Mohamad berkata...

Uh, dat's good sha..teruskan makan masakan sendiri=) yap, they r sooo adorable..hihihihi..

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