As today, i just cook fried kue teow for our dinner tonite;

Last night, before went to always, i will first check my kids just to make sure their sleep in proper position & to make sure that the diaper is not "full tank"..then i noticed that both of my kids slept in the same position & their face almost the same!! xpercaya??

Can't u see that they slept with their head a bit dongak and u can see that both of their cheeks are so montel;0
I can't resist from taking another pics of Ameera..she is so cute r nowadays (boley x puji anak dare sendiri??)..when i fetch her from nursery, her teacher will fasten her cutelah;0
I can't resist from taking another pics of Ameera..she is so cute r nowadays (boley x puji anak dare sendiri??)..when i fetch her from nursery, her teacher will fasten her cutelah;0

Well guys, i guess i better go to sleep now..actually, on weekend's nite like today i am supposed to stay up but since my eyes feel really damn tired, i thot i better get some rest before my eyes terjojol keluaq..hihihihi..tomorrow gotta meet my new client (she is from Klang & wanna purchase Tudung Hawa from me) then in the evening have to go to LCCT to fetch my MIL..hurreeyy..ahad ni boleh makan nasi all time favourite food!!! so nite everyone!!!
4 ulasan:
COmeynyer tocang 'pokok kelapa' tu....
Geram tgkkk!!
Tgk kiss baby Ameera utk lynn yer !! :)
Lynn..done!! Zaila pon suka gomol Ameera..makin gemok & montel r my gurl ni
sha lum jadi ibu but everyday sha cooked for my family :-) bangga diri sat hehehe
comey la ur children. geram
Uh, dat's good sha..teruskan makan masakan sendiri=) yap, they r sooo adorable..hihihihi..
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