Salam guys, how was ur weekend??well for me just fine..surrounded with my lovely hubby & kids, my MIL & also my sistas in law..all of them were at my house today..As usual, whenever MIL is here, she will cook our all time favourite menu;
Nasi Kerabu!!! actually i'm da one who gonna cook it but since Ameera was
so so not co-operative with her atok, i just be my MIL helper jer;0 it's not like that i don't know how to prepare the ingridients but my MIL tu..
sangat2lah cepat bergerak bila kat dapur..tengok2 dah siap semua=)Ok guys,
niler rahsienyer:
bunga telon & hasilnye;
blue color rice;)

this one is for tumis & hasilnyer;
nilah ghupenyer bila dah siap!!!

this one laks for the
sambal kelapa;
u just fried to coconut till it turn up to brown color then mix with isi ikan, bawang merah, serai, gula & garam..kasik tumbuk sket bagi hancur

owh, ikan2 ini sudah terjojol bijik matanyer..u can used ikan sardin / kembung..
this is the ulamans that i used;
kacang panjang
timun batang
bunga kantan
owh, actually this is the sambal lada..sowwiii..sudah habis..yang tinggal bijik2 lada sahaje=)
Bagi melengkapkan nasi kerabu ini, haruslah dimakan bersama ayam goreng berempah..
Hope u guys especially those who aren't Kelantanese will get the picture how we make nasi kerabu..i didn't put the picture of budu, huhuhu afraid some of you will lost the appetite to eat..but for me, budu is the main reason to make this nasi kerabu more kick than usual..agree or not, it's up to you=)
5 ulasan:
Bunga telon?
First time dgr nama bunga tu...
Mmg menghasilkan kaler biru tu ek zaila?
Sowi, lynn xtaw.. :)
Yap, ramai yang xtahu..actually kalo kat Kelantan benda ni dah biaser dah..better guna bunga ni coz ianya semulajadi, xmacam setengah orang yang pakai serbuk pewarna yang xelok ntok kesihatan;p
btw Lynn, congrates dah preggy..take care tau..
sedapnyeeee.hari tue ami first try buat tumis nasi kerabu tapi gak terover naik minyak plak huhu.tape pahni nok try lagi.bleh mitok recipe neh dgn kak ila hehe.budu wajib ade dale nasik kerabu,dale tumis tue pon ami letok :p
serius..tak letak gambo budu, ayo liur nak meleleh...
confirm ptg ni terjah pasar mlm, cri nasi kerabu+ayam goreng berempah
Ami, buleh jah..resepi tumis tu senang jer..blender bawang, halia, cili kering sket, then panaskan santan, masukkan semua bahan blender, ketuk serai..biar sampai mendidih..garam gula jangan lupa..bila agak2 dah pekat, matikan api..kak ila buat macam tu jer=)
Ariffda, sedap..sedap..zaila nipon dok teraser lagi kesedapan nasi kerabu ini..
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