Alamak!! it's been so long since i've got this tag from this beautiful lady..Sowi ya Zarin..K, so here we go;-
1. First time jumpa your hubby bila & kat mana?
Masa tu Zaila tengah buat praktikal di BERNAS Tumpat
2. Love at first sight??
No but at that time i was just broke up with my ex
3. Who is he when the first time you met him?
Tukang repair mesin BERNAS..hahahaa..actually he's working with uncle (who is sub-contractor of BERNAS) but after we decide to get serious he then move on to KL to find a better job but finally end up as an Project Engineer in Tanjung Bin Power Plant, Pontian Johor..see how powerful i am to influence him to find a better job for us (me??)
4. How long it takes for him to ask you out for a date?
At first jumpa malu2 kucing, then Zaila sms him buat2 kacau, after he know that was me, we keep smsing till one day he ask me to be his other half & straightly i said "i do"
5. First place dating di?
Masa tu Zaila kan stay di Tumpat so just keluar malam pusing2 makan angin, bila ingat balik..bodohnya rasa!!
6. How he proposed?
Like i said earlier, during sms & i didn't remember the exact phrase but after i said "i do", he decide to send his mum to meet my parent right after i've finished my practical training!!
7. Special date with your hubby?
04/11/2005 nikah!!
8. Changes that he asked you to do?
Try to be more independent & not too boros in spending his money;p
9. What is about him that you love so much?
Patuh pada ALLAH, hormat both parent & loving!!
10. What is about him that u wish he would change?
Herm..biarlah dia sorang je yang tahu;p
11. You will lose your mind n crack your head when he?
Playing his sudoku in his handset..macam bercakap ngan tiang!!
12. You will smile tru your eyes for the whole day when he?
Do all the house worklah kan;-)
13. Complete below sentences "My love towards my hubby is as big as...?
ocean?? earth?? sky?? i dunno..yang pasti; i love him truly, madly, deeply
Done!!! Malas nak tag sape2 bole??
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5 ulasan:
Happy New Year ;-) Saya pun kena tag yg ni jugak... hehehe
thanks sbb buat tag ni...
huhu nampak betui keseriusan husband zaila nk kawen ngan tuh bila sungguh2 cari kejer baru :)
anyway semoga bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat
Happy New Year to you too phatgurl
Zarin, thanks & same goes to both of you!!
Tanjung Bin Power Plant??? attached with Malakoff ker? Wah big pay nie :D
Tanjung Bin Power Plant??? attached with Malakoff ker? Wah big pay nie :D
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