This is my first time "berpisah bantal" with him. I still remember his last trip was last year where he goes for a site visit in Miri..but at dat time, i'm still pregnant to Ameera n Haziq was 1 year 2 months, still manageable and controllable..Now dah double..herm..double means i rite guys..hihihi..for those yang xder anak more than one leh r cakap senang babe..tapi cuba kalo dah bertambah..mau haru biru mek..
But I guess i have to sacrifice..biaserlah kalo nak jadi isteri mithali mek=p it's ok..baru 3 hari laki aku g, xsempat nak giler lagi kot..hihihi..Amirul Haziq really2 making me mad, kalo xbuat adik dier xsah..hari2 aku dah jadi macam Tarzan dah..terpekik terlolong..ayat femes aku "Haziq, jange buat adik!!!" tapi kadang2 mamat ni ok gaks..rajin gak menolong mama dier..especially tolong amikkan barang2 adik dier..u can count on him..
Flight MrHub 2.45 pm today, direct 3 hours terus g Ho Chi Min..this is the second time he went to Vietnam so i'm not worry too much on it..lagipon his cousin pon ada stay kat saner so boleh le mintak tolong dier..Teringin gak aku nak ikot skali (buat macam ayu, ajat g training kat Korea, dia pon sibuk jer nak ikot) tapi tulah..maner aku nak campak askar2 aku ni..xperlah..hopefully someday i have the chance to visit Vietnam..husband aku criter most people g saner to shop, ntah haper yang murah pon aku xtau..tapi ader gak staff office aku yang jaga projek kat situ bawak balik telekung semayang for sale (macamler kat Malaysia ni xder jual=p) tapi quite canteq gaks r..differ from what we have here so boleh gak kalo sajer2 nak tambah koleksi..
Actually MrHub will attend site visit with some other people from Petronas tomorrow..nak p tempat tu kn naik feri..if im not mistaken that place is called Vung Tao..same like Kerteh r jugak..bandar praying that everything goes smoothly as planning before..yer r..kalo ok pagi hari rabu tu mrHub dah ler balik dah..huhuhu..xtahan wOOoo=p
lets just pray that hubby will have a safe journey and enjoying his trip to Vietnam..and for me, lets hoping that im still waras while managing my two little the way, thanks kak khaty coz sanggup menjadi peneman kami anak beranak ni..hihihi..

Haziq di sebelah luggage papa dier..muka monyok jer..macam tahu2 nak kn tinggal=)

Just add some pics taken from the internet..want the real pics..nak kn tunggu MrHub balik r..huhuhu..nengok gambar jolah..
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