Hubby is leaving to Vietnam again this evening, same flight on 2.45 pm..i feel really tired and miserable rite now..Haziq is not feeling very well since the first day his papa leave him..almost every nite he woke up crying in da middle of the nite which is so so so annoying..sakit hati but as a mother what else can we do except trying to comfort him, if not his sister will woke up and add another nightmare to me;p his papa??pity him coz he also don't have a enough rest since come home from one day trip to Vietnam last xper r..just give him a chance to have a good sleep again..
I'm not working today=) hubby not allowed me to go to work just becoz we r worried about Haziq's condition..lembik jer..really2 sad when we saw him laying on the bed..dahler malam tadi he got another athsma attack..Thank god xteruk maner..that's y lah aku penat sangat2..tambah pulak laki xder..raser macam down sangat2..aku xtahulah orang lain rasa macamana bila berpisah ngan laki??ker aku ni yang manja semacam??
just got call from hubby..happy sekejap..=) erm..xder idea nak tulis the way, Haziq is really enjoying his time at home..i guess it is a sign for me to resign n become full time "desperate housewife" remind me of new a season of desperate housewive on 8tv, i know i'm maybe a little bit late becoz this season already played in Astro (nak buat macamana, umah i kan xder Astro becoz i prefer pay for an internet rather than Astro)..yolah, siaran yang biaser2 nipon xhabis nak tengok..tapi maybe after we move on to our new house, i would consider to subscribe it..herm biler tu??
tadi aper ek nak crite sal DH tu..aisey luper lah plak, tapi aper2 hal aku btol2 suka cerita tu dah ader balik..herm..Ugly Betty pon samer..tapi kinda miss to watch the first sequence of this season becoz dok sibuk layan blog..nyesal tol..nak gak tahu Betty pilih saper..Henry ke mat romeo sorang lagi tu..anybody have the answer please..
enoughlah for this time..bukan aper, otak dah berkarat dah..bukan best pon aper yang aku tulis but pedulik haper..this is my blog so i'm free to write and publish anything i long xsentuh hal peribadi orang lain dahler..
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