Actually, i was just following my colleagues to play badminton as our company will have a friendship match with Petronas..but i'm not participated in this match because of i know in the first place lagi yang i akan kalah..erm..berapa tu..15-13?? nyaaaah..15-0 kot;p
After finished playing badminton, i went to Pasar Tani in Kota Kemuning to buy some of our stock of lauk pauk..then reached home at 8pm..bath..perform Maghrib+Isyak (Double Package--Amaran : Jangan sesekali tiru aksi ini) then start to cook our dinner
So, it is quite late for us to eat dinner so i decided to cook something which not heavy like makan here it today;

Today, it is the fourth day i become a chef..Hopefully i can manage to cook for this whole week..Even tho, i felt tired (and i really mean it) but i try my best to prepare the dish so that i can prove to uols that fatigue can't be the reason for us to skip cooking;0 u just have to do a simple menu that i already show in my previous entry..Remember, "Healthy Life Comes From the Healthy Food"..Erm, ader kena mengena ker??
4 ulasan:
mak ai..penat2 pun masak ye..? rajinnya... :)
Thanks Zuhaini..tadi memang penat, tapi p tido jap..sekarang ni dah segar balik dah;0
Rajin nyer!!
Respek la zaila :)
Nak resipi leh x?
Leh try masak kat umah nnt :)
Lynn..okes, nanti zaila post kat entry nih..tapi main campak2 jer teww..bukan sedap pon tapi Zaila puas hati dapat masak bagi hubby & anak2 makan air tangan zaila;p
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