Location : Kizsports & Gym, One Utama
Time : 10 am to 2 pm
Well, on 2nd day of January 2010, i've being invited by Nuffnang to join this event organized by them and collaboration with Dutch Lady..We have to submit our entry on "curious kids need to be tough inside" to get invites for the event..Remember this entry? Luckily i was selected making me one amongst 80 lucky bloggers to join such a great event like this!! I'm super excited when i read last 2008 event here & always praying that i also got the chance to attend this event..Alhamdulillah, after few days submitted the entry, i've got a call from Nuffnang saying that i've invited for this big day;-) To make things become more excited is when many of my friends (blogger) also got the invitation which making me so so keen to meet all of them!!
That day, i woke up early just to make sure everything was being well prepared (so that we are not missing anything important to bring especially socks) but sadly, we manage to reach One Utama on 10.30 am after two times lost our way in the middle of nowhere~~bencik, bukannya first time pergi pon!!~~
I sms Kak Shida where is the place & thanks to her speedy answer saying that Kidsport & Gym is located beside the Pizza Hut Restaurant on the second floor so we just take a few minutes walk from our parking area to reach here. At first, i'm quite nervous to see such a long queue but of course i don't wanna miss a thing so i just follow other blogger queues & try to imagine that i'll enjoy this event!!
We have to take off our shoes & wear socks all the time while we were in the Kizsport & Gym..Unfortunately, I forgot (after all the preparation) to bring a pair of sock to Amirul but afraid not because in this Kizsports & Gym, they are also selling socks at reasonable price (RM5.60) per pair & you know what, my son really love that sock very much..even today he is still wearing it~~nampak sangat mama tak pernah belikan stokin ya~~
At first my Haziq didn't want to take off his shoes, he keep refusing & crying out loud there (malu tahu)..Even seeing Tasnim Umairah (Kak Shida's daughter which happen to be his play mate in his nursery) didn't make him happy;(
They start the event quite late because of so many bloggers happened to arrive quite late (i'm not blaming on them because i've also late due of many factors that i can't control)..We start by gathering in front of this guy from Nuffnang (gosh, i really forgot his name, can somebody tell me his name please~~his name is Marcus!!)..My husband said, he is so young but i really love him controlling this event where there are almost 200 adults & 200 kids that day..he's very energetic & smart in handling kids whenever they (organizer) have to wait for another activities which were occur a bit late~~so comel~~

~~cewaaaah, promote sket~~

Owh!! after the lady from Dutch Lady

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Here, i met many bloggers that i make friends through cyber but this time had a chance to see them live in person!! Some of them were Has, Kak Ina KL (this is twice i met her during Nuffnang event, hope to see her again), mummy Lyna with Fahry (actually mummy Lyna was a friend to my coursemate & she is also a neighbour with my Uni's friend, small world isn't it??)..by the way, she was so famous when everybody want to take picture with her
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Then at 12 pm, we were having lunch served by Kizsport & Gym..What i like here is kids were given a chance to eat all by themselves and parents were free to enjoy their meals at any place they like..but for me, i'm not sure that Haziq can be indipendent enough to eat foods given so i just accompany him, but surprisingly he seems to enjoy eating his chicken spaghetti all by himself (suddenly i realize i'm worried too much on him) and to make me & hubby become more proud+happy are when we saw Ameera also enjoy eating her meal without our help~~tapi of courselah bersepah habis~~

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Overall, the food was superly yummy, both of us enjoy eating all of it..I love their fried rice and chicken pie, even our kid's meal was delicious!! (mama curik2 makan hihihi)..Spaghetti is my kid's all time favourite food so there is no big deal for them to finish all of it ~and of course with some help from mama (^-^)
Overall, the food was superly yummy, both of us enjoy eating all of it..I love their fried rice and chicken pie, even our kid's meal was delicious!! (mama curik2 makan hihihi)..Spaghetti is my kid's all time favourite food so there is no big deal for them to finish all of it ~and of course with some help from mama (^-^)

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After that, it's the moment that we've waiting for..but before they announce all the winner for this contest, the emcee ask kids to gathered around and dance along with music..Tasnim did her dance that day but my Haziq was totally in love playing around the pool balls..For those who are participate, they were given laundry bag (as Kak Shidah told me)..herm lucky Kak Shidah..
After that, it's the moment that we've waiting for..but before they announce all the winner for this contest, the emcee ask kids to gathered around and dance along with music..Tasnim did her dance that day but my Haziq was totally in love playing around the pool balls..For those who are participate, they were given laundry bag (as Kak Shidah told me)..herm lucky Kak Shidah..

and the winner for the Grand Prize is ~~drumroll please~~
i bet all of you already know right^__^

yap, Littlemama from MBP..gosh she is so lucky!! actually i always get her updates from my email but i never thought that the person sitting in front of me (somewhere at ball pools was her~~mind my bad recognitions hahaha) but seriously i never know her in person so maybe next time i will try (read: ambik aura) to greet her;-)
With that, this event has come to the end but actually parents can stay there till 5pm (if i'm not mistaken)..guess what, kids who doesn't want to join this event early in the morning have become kids who doesn't want to leave this event in the end..got it?? i can saw happy faces on my kids & hubby, bet their really enjoying it!!

24 ulasan:
wah seronot! ramai yang glamer datang event ni ek
farah, next year make sure ada anak & join this event hoccay!!
ahkak jugak yg jauh. Huhu
eee bestnye...
salam ..memang best kan..tapi mak-mak sibuk dgn anak-anak..tak sempat nak borak panjang..
KV, dakpo..jauh di mata dekat di hati..at least ahkak dapat cash out duit Nuffnang tiap bulan..huhuhu
gorjesmum, memang best!!
hi zaila,
nak i transfer aura! he..he
Kak Ina, betul tu..saya tak sempat nak tegur ramai lagi blogger lain..tapi memang best ah event ni..rasa seronok sangat2 that day!!
Little Mama, nak!! nak!! (sambil tadah tangan)
zaila...mmg x sempat nak chit chat lelama..mengejar anak aja..heheheh..tp at least dah bersua muka ;)
wahhh syoknye..kalo eila ade anak confirm join nihh hehehe jumpa blogger2 tu yag best! anak.. mak.. sumer suke...
Has, betul tu so now you know how fat i am in the real world, hahahhaaa
Eila, next year pula..make sure dapatkan anak sorang tahun ni;-)
hi zaila.. :)
kalau lebanese cuisine lady sarankan zaila pi al amar dekat pavillion.. hari sabtu(malam) ada tarian gelek hehe.. boleh tengok free.. selain hari sabtu kalau nak tengok tarian gelek kene bayar huhu... makanan sedap kat sini yg lady try mix grilled platter dia ada daging ayam ngan lembu kalau tak silap, dia cucuk dengan sate.. lady makan dengan roti arab kemudian cicah sos bawang putih.. sedap sangat.. lepas tu kat sini dia punya jus mangga adalah terbaek.. hehe..
kalau tarbush,lady pernah try tarbush ampang point.. boleh kata setiap minggu pi situ tapi menu lady kalau makan situ satu je dan selalunya lady bungkus.. lady suka dia punya shawarma, harga dia sangat berpatutan rm6 dan sangat mengenyangkan.. shawarma ni idi ayam dengan campuran sayur dan sos rempah ratus dia bungkus memanjang dalam roti yang mcm capati tu sedap sangat... memang ketagih dibuatnya.. kalau pi ampang point, dia tingkat bawah.. lalu situ jer bau dia sudah menggugat iman.. hilang ingatan terus pasal diet2... wakaka...
nasi arab dia pun tgk nampak sedap tapi portion agak banyak kene share.. ayam dia tu mcm grilled dengan rempah ratus apa agaknya tapi sedap...
jeles ni...
bestnyer zaila dapat jumpa semua :)
suke pic ameera gayat hehe
sorry,,,r u upm grad? yr english!!!
Lady, thanks for the info..Zaila decide nak cuba Tarbush lah, mahu g Tarbush yg kat Sunway tu..btw, thanks a lot for the advice..nanti bila Zaila dah g will post a review in my blog
comeybelako, jangan jeles2...hihihi
Nanie, tak sangka dia gayat ngan mainan tu, kalo naik slides, dia yg nak konker segalanya..zaila even nampak dia siap tolak anak orang lain lagi..hahahahaa
Anom, zaila UPM juga tapi bukan english year, zaila ambik engineering!!
hmm...hello there :) i pon upm jugak..and engineering jugak :D ehe. chemical engineering to be exact grad 2003
Mrs Imran, me was in food & process Engineering, grad 2005
besnye dpt pegi.tp xde kids lg hehe
hi izzahfarhana, takpe dah ada anak nanti joinlah ya;-)
oo you pun ader gak kat family day, sorry tak prasan la, di tambah lak cam malu2 kucing kan.. huhuh..
nx time bleh la tegur2 ek
KambingBujang, a'a..zaila pun ada aritu..hihihi..biaserlah semua blogger pon malu2 kucing kan;p
wow!!!zai, ektif ropenye hang nih!!syok je bunyiknye...meh lenkali ajak aku skali...;p..nak g ikea pon xpegi2..hah ha..lol...ko dh pindah umh ke??
hye...nak tny la...ttg ur own opinion psl friso gold...sy tgh carik alternatif susu tuk my baby..she's 6 months++.... =)
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