So we ordered menu for two person (Feast for two) & additional one kid's set for Haziq (share with Ameera)..Unfortunately, after waited for almost an hour, our meals were served & seriously i'm not satisfied with it!! My rice was not fully cooked, menu were not complete (supposed we have 1 plate of Japanese tofu), thank god that i realize it after we have already ate almost of the, i asked the waiter is there any meal that they forgot to give to us, she's spontaneously said "wait, i ask my manager"~~hellooooo..ko ni baru keje ke??tak hafal menu ke??~~ then his "perasan" handsome manager came to me and said "sorry mam, the tofu already out of stock, can we replace it with mixed vege instead??" Actually i'm not a kind a person that suka kecoh2 but seriously i'm quite disappointed with their service..and of course, this would be my last visit to this place!!
I'm not saying that their food wasn't delicious but in my opinion, the menu is not healthy+balance diet enough for us & kids especially, because they weren't included any of vegetables in their menu and i saw none of it in our meals that day (even in the soup) i guess this is not good for my kids digestion;-) Besides that, i noticed that the service was quite awful like the waiter was rude to us, the manager didn't know how to give direction for their staff and bad time management!! and of course this is only happened in Rasa*mas restauran in Bukit Tinggi or maybe on that day there were so many customers came so they could'nt perform very well..
Anyway, this is the menu that we ordered last saturday;-

1/2 Roaster choice of Golden/ Percik/ Pepper Roaster
1 Japanese Tofu (being replaced with mix vegie~yang sayurnya macam dicelur air panas sahaja~
2 Chicken Rice
1 Garlic Bread
2 Carbonated Soft Drinks
For kids we ordered this meal;-

I will rate this restaurant 1.5 star out of 5..if you are not planning to dine in then this is the best choice to eat variety of roasted chickens like golden / pepper / percik selections..
Just because i'm not satisfied with our JalanJalanCariMakan last saturday so last Tuesday after come back from work, i've suggested to hubby to go to Jusco Bukit Tinggi (again!!) and have our dinner in TCRS there!! of course that night there were not many customers in the restaurant so i was happily ordered Twin Feast (2 pix) with additional tofu with oyster sauce (ni kes nak balas dendam that day sebab takleh makan tofu kan) and you know what, our table full with dishes like;-
But guess what, we finished all of it and felt really full that night but we are totally satisfied with our meals that night^___^

Owh, i really love their Kerabu Mangga, pai tee (berebut dengan Haziq) and first time i try to eat tofu with oyster sauce (also nyum nyum)..Overall, the price quite reasonable with the variety of foods that they served & have i said that their service was in the tip top condition and i highly recommended this restaurant for daddy & mummy to take their kids for a meals outside (sekali sekala boleh lah ya)
Herm, actually when we are having 2 kids, i felt the pleasure to dine in a restaurant become so low because it is very challenging to control their behave, especially Ameera (sabar jelah) feels like we are not chewing at all those foods instead we are just telan all of it (seb baik tak tercekik)..haahaahaa..but sooner or later, they (kids) will grow as fast as bullet train (same tak) and by that time i'll surely miss this moment;-)

18 ulasan:
owh macam tu ka??zarin tk pernah lagi makan kat rasa ayamas..
tp i memang suka pai tee n kerabu mangga kat TCRS :)
i pon tak penah makan kat rasa*mas tu..
ee kalo camtu jadi i pon geram mmg last visit le tuh..
sama la zaila kalo ada anak kecik ni kite makan pun ntah macam hape kan..telan je la kihkihkih
eila mmg dr dulu kalo nak layan nasi..cari TCRS je..tak pernah p tpt lain..sbb suke dgn taugeh die tuuu...dulu eila tak makan tauge pas makan kat TCRS..skang ni tekak dah leh terima la..
i suka roated chick kat ayamas but not the rice... sbb dia pakai beras biasa not fragrance ormally kalau beli, bawak balik rumah and masak nasik and sayur jer...
rase mcm penah gi rasa ayamas tapi mcm tak penah..aiyaakk takleh recall sbb slalu masuk jek mkn mane sempat kalau dah lapo sgt..heheh.. tapi kan, i pun bukan jenis yg komplen2 tapi make sure lps tu dah tak gi situ..hehe
kalau makan ayamas suke tapau jer.beli ayam jer..ayam die mengancam jugak biasanya..
Suka hati je tukar cenggitu eh? pernah la pegik sini dulu..order ayam percik..ayam tuh dipanaskan..memang keras giler Zaila..kalau ayam baru even dipanaskan, still lembut and juicy..ini dah kering kontang..tak gamak nak makan..ape ape pun rezeki..terima je :)
gi Phuket tuh almost sama kita nyer programme..mungkin agent kita sama kot :) memang happy gi sana..enjoy!
i love gado2 from tcrs... masa pregnant kan ni lah antara food yg nak mkn ari2! ha ha! iskkk.. u dah buat i kecur liur lah!
sedih ja muka abah depa...heheh
zaila, last wik lps penat shopping kt OU..lps event tu..kami ke TCRS...has mcm zarin gak suka pai tee & kerabu mangga!!! so sedapp!!
ayamas belum try lagi ;)
Zarin, sedap kan pai tee & kerabu mangga diorang tu, apa kata u cuba buat & then ajak zaila p makan kat rumah u..ahakss!!
Gorjesmum, memang..sejak ada anak ni, nak makan pon asyik melalak je, risau diorang pecahkan pinggan mangkuk segala..pastu pas makan sure nasi berterabur bawah meja, sabar jelah!!zaila rasa mesti pastu orang keje kat situ sumpah berbakul2 kat kami..hahahaa!!
Eila, most of teir foods memang kn ngan tekak zaila!!
Yatie, a'a..ayam diorang taste was not bad tapi nasi tu yg keras sket
mujur lady tak penah pi rasamas ni lagi.. tapi tcrs memang sedap kan.. suka dia punya nasi ayam.. perfect..
nasik ayam kat TCRS memang superb! plg best sai to fish ball ngan kerabu mangga!!! waa.. sedapnyer!! kalo kat ayamas tu slalu beli roasted chicken jer, lom pernah try nasik ayam dia lagi..
nasik ayam kat TCRS memang superb! plg best sai to fish ball ngan kerabu mangga!!! waa.. sedapnyer!! kalo kat ayamas tu slalu beli roasted chicken jer, lom pernah try nasik ayam dia lagi..
salam zaila..akak tak perasan muker kamu dah hilang..nasib baik kamu bagitau ...akak dah letak balik..wah bestnya..bolehlah cuba nanti.
Maya, samerlah zaila pun bukan suka kecoh2 sangat tapi kalau servis teruk rase macam malas nak masuk lg lenkali
Farah, akak rase pon baik buat macam tu je, tapau lg senang
Nanie, a'a mungkin ejen kita sama, tp memang best g Phuket, rase macam xpuas aje dok kat sana, zaila almost every night zaila g Bangla Road tu
Linahilmin, haaa..malam ni dinner kat TCRS ah
Comeyblako, abah depa masam sebab dok tension ngan karenah anak2 yang bising main sudu garfu atas meja tu;p
Has, zaila pun suka juga!!
Che'puanidot, taste setiap individu berbeza tp kat situ ayam dia was not bad, mungkin servis yg kureng membuatkan kita terus hilang selera kot;)
Lady, memang sedap!!
Wan, kerabu mangga dia memang sedap, zaila ratah sorang2 aje..kecur air liur aje ni;)
last weekend pun i pi JJ bukit tinggi..nasib baik tak masuk rasa mas tu...
ABH, dekat dah ngan my house tu..awat tak calling2??heheheee
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