Nak tanya pendapat korang ni..Haisyyy..aku ni memanglah selalu tersepit antara baaaaaaaanyak pilihan..Sebab tu sebelum buat apa-apa pilihan, aku suka minta jasa baik uols..Sekarang ni aku tengah pening nak pilih penginapan di Kundasang..Memula tu memang confirm nak stay di Strawberry Garden Hotel tapi bila survey chalet yang lain, tetiba hati berbelah bagi *typical woman*
So minta jasa baik korang bagi pendapat ya..Both chalet yang aku suka ni harganya sama & ada cooking facilities. Reason aku pilih yang ada cooking facilities adalah;
1) adik ipar aku cakap masakan kat sana tawar so demi mengelakkan tekak takleh telan masakan "orang", baiklah cari chalet yang boleh sediakan masakan sendiri..Alah, bukan nak bergulai segala..cukuplah kalau boleh sediakan resepi-resepi yang senang aje:) Lagipon di Kundasang sana macam susah je nak cari kedai makan..Kalau di KK tak payah risau, mana-mana pon ada:)
2) kami travel dengan anak kecil:- aku cukup risau kalau-kalau anak aku tak boleh makan / tak lalu makan di restoran / restoran yang ada tak baby's friendly..kesian Ashraf kalau nak bergantung pada susu semata so at least bila ada cooking facilities ni malam-malam bolehlah masakkan bubur siap-siap / paling penting senang nak prepare susu..Owh aku ada terbaca 1 blog yang menggunakan cerek elektrik hotel untuk rebus sosej *euuuwww* so better pesan dekat Kak Na supaya bawa sendiri periuk kecil untuk memasak. Tips : even ada cooking facilities pon, jangan simply used it sebab Kak Na aku bagitau orang kat sana makan pelik-pelik?? Wallahu'alam!
Aku kena adjust balik itenary ni sebab bila fikir-fikir, aku travel with kids so tak naklah g tempat-tempat yang tak sesuai dengan budak-budak, i mean banyak mendaki ke apa..sebab al maklumler mak tak sanggup dek non..Ashraf saja beratnya cecah 8kg..huhuhu..konpem-konpemlah ahkak yang kena pikul dia kan..Kang ada yang balik bercuti badan macam 'Hulk Hogen' berketui-ketui:P so aku rasa maybe most of the time nak stay menikmati pemandangan di chalet & habiskan masa bersama anak-anak rugi buat macam tu??
Oklah, enough with that reason..aku berbelah bagi antara :
Strawberry Garden Hotel
Kundasang area is where Sabahans in general come to enjoy some fresh mountain air and to escape the heat from the tropical lowland. Half way between Kinabalu National Park and Kundasang town, lies this medium enterprise called Strawberry Garden Hotel, formerly known as Borneo Fern Garden. As the new name implies this hotel does have a strawberry garden, where a visitor only pays RM 1 for a tour around it. The hotel is built on a slope above the main road. A long two-storey building houses the lobby, the reception office and the guest rooms which include the twin sharing rooms and the family rooms. Situated on a slightly higher ground are the chalets (2 units). *kena jalan kaki naik atas, mahu semput pikul Ashraf* About 30 feet above the chalets is a big bungalow that is equipped with a neat fire place. No Mt. Kinabalu view here, but Bundu Tuhan valley is clearly visible on a non-misty day. *chalet ni takde ngadap gunung Kinabalu so adakah satu kerugian di situ??*
The chalet can sleep about seven to ten persons. There are two washrooms at the chalet. The bungalow has three rooms, and it can sleep about ten to fifteen persons. Each room has its own attached bathroom. Both the chalets and bungalow have kitchens equipped with cooking facilities. Guests are advised to bring their own towels and Astro card, while staying at the chalet or bungalow. *tuala takde, astro kad pon tak bagi..isy kedekut*
The Strawberry Cafe located below the main building and only opens for dinner guests. The main cooking style here is local.
Weekdays : 7 pm to 8:30 pm
Peak Period & Weekend : 7 pm to 10 pm *ada juga restoran, kalau emergancy bolehlah pergi*
Take the Kota Kinabalu-Ranau road. Strawberry Garden Hotel is 4km away from the entrance of Kinabalu National Park. *kawan aku cakap jauh dari Pekan Kundasang*
Golden Kundasang Highland
Nice chalets at Kundasang highland that have cooking facility. Located about 5km away from Kundasang, Golden Kundasang Highlands is one of the few accommodations built near the Mesilau area, the other being Mesilau Resort and Philip Garden Chalets. The Mesilau area is much higher in altitude, about 6,000 feet above sea level, and so the temperature is colder (14°C-16°C) and the place is more windy too. *sejuk?? konpem kena bawa baju sejuk sorang satu untuk anak-anak ni*
Established in 1992, Golden Kundasang Highlands has been receiving guests from far and near. This nice and clean chalets were built into a hill slope, with a farmland in front. Two types of cabins are available for rental, deluxe (2 units) and standard (8 units). The deluxe units have a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and two bathrooms with hot water. The master bedroom consists of a queen bed and an attached bathroom, while the other bedroom has two bunk beds that can sleep four. All the beds come with a comforter. Sofas and television set are provided at the living room.
The kitchen is well equipped with gas stoves, cooking utensils, electric rice cooker, a fridge, a small dinning table and chairs. Both the deluxe units have a spacious covered balcony that comes with a mahjong table and relaxing garden chairs, but beware of the floor of the balcony which is a bit uneven due to wear and tear or the constant slow movement of the ground of Kundasang. *waaah stetmen bahaya ni*
The standard units are much simple and smaller in size, yet it still has a full and complete kitchen. Good for those who love to cook. Guests can also make use of the fresh temperate climate vegetables sold at the Kundasang markets. On opening the door of the standard rooms a queen bed and a bunk bed greet you. A small TV set, a small table and a few chairs are provided. *kalau standard units harga lagi murah dari deluxe:)*
The best part of the standard units is the big window, which provides a great view of Mt. Kinabalu on a cloudless day. *kalau stay kat sini boleh nampak mount Kinabalu* The Layang-Layang Station on the summit trail can also be seen here. A small door beside the bunk-bed leads to the kitchen and bathroom. Facilities in the kitchen include cooking utensils, gas stoves, and electric rice cooker. Note: there is no refrigerator in the standard units *takde peti pon takpe, kata cuaca sejukss* Extra mattress can be arranged with a minimum charge.
For recreation there are four or five barbecue stoves, brick built, ready for the guests to use. These outdoor barbecue stoves are located on the ground level which has nice view of the vegetable farm below. BBQ for dinner is a wonderful experience. *berangan nak buat BBQ malam hari tapi kalau cuaca sejuk sangat camno tu??* The hot charcoal cooked food tastes very much better up here. Time for the body to do some exercise, hiking. At the back of the chalets there is a trail that leads up to a hill top. Take a slow walk up to the top of the hill which has a good view of the Kundasang town and its surrounding farming community. The Mt. Kinabalu view up here is simply breathtaking. *macam menarik je..pagi-pagi hiking bukit:P*
How to go there? Take a bus or taxi or even self-drive from Kota Kinabalu to Kundasang town. This journey will take from two hours to two and a half hours. From Kundsang town take the road that leads to the Mesilau Resort or Kundasang Golf Club, Golden Kundasang Highlands is just 5km away.
Both info taken from ada banyak pilihan penginapan di sini..siap ada contact no. lagi..
So macamana?? hati aku lebih kepada Golden Kundasang Highlands sebab;-
- boleh view mount Kinabalu
- boleh BBQ
- harga pon boleh murah sket (RM280 untuk deluxe room & RM150 standard room)
- sini takde khidmat taxi / sewa van..herm..susah nak geraklah kalau gitu:(
Tapi aku tak pasti keadaan chalet macamana?? sudahlah dekat lereng bukit..selamatkah??
Kalau Strawberry Garden Hotel pula
- rendah sedikit dari Golden Kundasang Highland
- nampak macam selesa
- ada strawberry park
- sini ada perkhidmatan tour van so senang kalau nak ke mana-mana
Kalau korang, pilih yang mana??? HELP me next week dah kena confrimkan penginapan:)
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5 ulasan:
yana rs strawberry garden hotel tu much better kot
ada byk advantages..
sesuai utk family kuuut..hehe..
rasa mcm tu..
ha'ah..akak pon rasa begitu *setelah tahu yang hotel satu lagi takde khidmat transport*
thanks for your thoughts:)
ha'ah..akak pon rasa begitu *setelah tahu yang hotel satu lagi takde khidmat transport*
thanks for your thoughts:)
sy pun prefer yg strawberry..sebab ada transport..senang sikit hehe
mummy Danisha,
cantek ah..kali ni confirm ah nak stay kat situ:P
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