
Like i said before, it's just da simplest menu that i manage to cook..Mind u that i reached home almost at 7pm everyday so..i have just thirty minutes to prepare the dish before go to bath & perform prayers..ha3..kirer terrer r teww?? Even tho, it is simple, i guess this is the best gift that i can give to my Hubby & kids..so hot moms out there, why not uols take this challenge & start to cook ur own cooking..hihihi..and the best of it is; we can save our monthly budget & uols can spend it on another things that uols like especially handbags(",)
Since i'm leaving to Phuket, i thought that i wanna gave prize(s) to hot mamas out there that are willing to support my campaign..check this out;
.......all u have to do is try to cook for the whole weekdays (snap da pics & short story on it)......
.......then just come to my blog & link with me.....
.......contest end 10th of May 2009 so hope uols will have much time to prepare/think bout it......
.......Winner will be choosed base on their creativeness to tell how much they like to eat their own cookings....
.......Tittle of the entry must be "Makan Masakan Sendiri / Eat Your Own Cooking".....
.......I'm not figured out yet what are the prize(s) are but Insya Allah, it will be the memorable gifts from Phuket......
........Till then....happy cooking & snapping guys;0
Since i'm leaving to Phuket, i thought that i wanna gave prize(s) to hot mamas out there that are willing to support my campaign..check this out;
.......all u have to do is try to cook for the whole weekdays (snap da pics & short story on it)......
.......then just come to my blog & link with me.....
.......contest end 10th of May 2009 so hope uols will have much time to prepare/think bout it......
.......Winner will be choosed base on their creativeness to tell how much they like to eat their own cookings....
.......Tittle of the entry must be "Makan Masakan Sendiri / Eat Your Own Cooking".....
.......I'm not figured out yet what are the prize(s) are but Insya Allah, it will be the memorable gifts from Phuket......
........Till then....happy cooking & snapping guys;0
2 ulasan:
siap ade campaign tue...
hmmmmmm tp cam i nie susah nk menyahut cabaran tue...hehehehehehe...cannot help sal mmg suke mkn luar ;p
tidak membantu langsung kan
it's ok Verde..at least u ader masak jugak kan?? suka tgk masakan u..ringkas but at da same time..healthy & yummyyyy...
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