Actually this event happened on last Thursday
that's why i name it Entry Basi
before it's getting more Basi
baik aku blog cepat cepat
on that day my companyferasan kompeni aku lak
company where i work laaa
held an iftar for their clients
which is more into for Petronas people
the event took place at this hotel
that's why i name it Entry Basi
before it's getting more Basi
on that day my company
company where i work laaa
held an iftar for their clients
which is more into for Petronas people
the event took place at this hotel

quite ok for me
i love the satay juicy..
their dessert pon ok jugak
i've try all of them & loike most of them
honestly mak xmentekedarah pon dat day
control malu kot
almost 3 consecutive year
Solar organize iftar kat situ
semua pon mak pergi
so macam dah boleh budget lauk apa yang ada
cuma this year chicken lasagna xder
no wonder i felt something missing
puas hati
next year pergi lagi;)
selected person will receive this special door gift from US
but the isi
i guess this year is the best
confirm mak tak order biskut raya dah!!!
ada serunding
& 5 items of biskut raya
& of coz
Kad raya from US
since iftar yang kompeni buat ntok staff we didn't attend
this one is a MUST attend for me
yerlah mak admit
this is one of the reason;)
but other than that
i am happy becoz i met somebody special there
who is accidentally also a blogger juga
what a small world kan??
tapi she can't reveal her blog to me
it's ok
i respect her choice
to Kak K*****
thanks for the precious counsel
she just advice me to beranak lagi sorang
let me think of it dulu
she said masa muda2
nak beranak ramai2
biarlah penat skali harung jer
by 35
at that time
i manage to deliver 4 child dah
adding ngan Haziq & Ameera
that would be 6
what do you think????
P/s: Korang nak anak berapa ramai??
8 ulasan:
akak rasa cukup jer 2 tu. Haha
tapi biskut raya, mERIAHHHHH!!! Best oh.
wah sangat seronok, byk dapat kuih raya. tak yah order dah kan.. best2x.
hmm anak?? selagi ada rezeki tak kisah bape ramai.. hihihi
kalau boleh i nak anak seramai yang boleh...tapi apakan daya, satu pun tak melekat lagi...huhuhu
nk jwb soalan last tu. ikut plan asal nak anak sorang aja. tp bila si abg dah besar.. pepandai je di sibuk2, mama nk adik, nk adik... so kena la bg adik kan... so now cukup la dulu 2 org anak... aci x??? hehehe
KV, sepasang ok gok tu..kan kalu tambah 3, mesti dia terasing pulak!!
Yati, bagusnya you..Zaila yang 2 ni pon dah rase huru hara tau
Haida..cuba lagi..jangan give up!!! chaiyyokk!!!
Has, xbest..tambah r sepasang lagi;p
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