Yap, i'll be going to MV tomorrow (starting the new year with shopping~~heaven ok) with my bestie during my degree in UPM..of course we'll be measuring MV & The Gardens till i've lost few kilos of my saturated fat (of couselah my best friends were excluded;p because they are so thin)~~ayat nak sedapkan hati : yerlah diorang takde anak lagi!!~~
Hopefully i will find something that will fit me nicely or else my husband will sepak terajang me because he's the one who will take care of our kids tomorrow..thanks yang for giving me this big licence (after Mister potato event that day)..I'm sure will enjoy my Ladies Day's Out or should i say Ladies, shopping day's out??~~macamlah nak shopping juta2~~
With the limited budget that i've in hands, i'm sure the searching for my list will take one day long..hahahaaa..Nana & Ija, you better prepare physically & mentally fit that day;p sape yang nak shopping ni??ntah2 jalan sket dah sakit kaki;p
k lah, mummies out there i'm sure you will love this;-

For those who are going to MV tomorrow, tegur2 ya~~cess, perasan ko ni diva ke~~
14 ulasan:
wah permulaan tahun baru yg best tuh..siap gi shopping eheh.
arghhhh jeles sungguh..sini takdak m&s huhuhu
anyway hepi new year to u too babe
Yatie, nak cari baju baru..baju lamo banyak xmuat doh..huhuhuhu..napok sangat makin kombang!!
wah zaila ni tau ada bila ada sale... lady sungguh ketinggalan.. bila sale pun lady tatau hehe..
sopim ko kak kv etek. Uwaaaa
jeles nih
Mark & Spencer SALE?!!!!
OMG hari tu baru beli baju M&S RM200++ menggigil tangan naka bayar (1st time beli baju over RM200++).
Haiyoooo! Awatlah lately banyak kali jadi camni. Dah beli, pastu esok lusa, sale. Pfftttt!!!!
gorjesmum, nak kirim tak??hihihi;)
Lady, ni Zaila bagitau ah ni;-)
KV, okeh bebeh!!
Reena, uish..sakit hati kan..next time you better hold dulu nafsu tu..hahahaha;)
ME, heaven ok!!
Selamat bershopping :-)
Eynda, thanks!!
enjoy yourself! takyah risaukan ur hubby+kids, skali2 kita ni nak kena enjoy jugakkan.. hehehe :)
zaila..sori tak dpt join sbb parents dtg umah..neway eila pun nak ke m&s sabtu ni..nak borong baju keje lagik..hehe..(baru je krismas beli baju opis RM800+++) haihh..sale plak dahhh
Wan, definitely will enjoy this moment!!
Eila, takpe..lain kali kita outing sesama ya;-)
waaah banyak tu shopping!!
wahhhhhhhh manyak syok shopping...happy shopping :D
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