Owh, semalam aku pergi terjah MPH Midvalley..Pada kamu, kamu, kamu yang ulat buku, i think it's worth to go TAPI kalau kamu, kamu, kamu yang bukan ulat buku macam aku boleh juga pergi sebabnya harga yang ditawarkan sooooooooo cheap (ok not all lah) but i've manage to grab Eclipse Novel just for RM10..Arghh rasa macam nak beli from twilight, New Moon & Eclipse but be me yang nak habiskan satu buku pon liat so aku pilih Eclipse sahaja:P
Banyak buku-buku lama yang dijual pada harga less 70% tapi pada aku buat apa nak beli buku "travel guide to Thailand, Mexico & many more / how to take care of your birds & goose" unless ko ni memang jenis suka baca buku..Hahahaha so i just opt for books that have attracted my eyes only..Giler..dasar tak pernah baca novel so cari novel yang cover cuns + hardcover for just RM15..Will share pics later;)
Oklah, one of my new year resolutions is to READ more books..More means 2,3 in a month..A month kooo..so there you go!! i've just bought 4 books for RM50..Definitely will share with you guys later..Till then..tata Have a nice CNY holiday..i'll be on holiday mood just 4 days only & without any $$ (err salary & bonus)..*sigh* 4 days off without a money to spend is just totally Useless holiday:P
happy gongxi-gongxi patchai yo!!
4 ulasan:
xde gaji awal ke raya cina ni ?
tp x per..lambat sikit hbsnya..
Menarik nih, gaji pon dah masuk ☺☺
patut ler td kt MPH penuh org borong buku2 ;-)
RUGINYA harini baru terbca entry ni...dah borong buku tapi kat popular je..itu pun 10% untk member card...ehmm...
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