Have i told uols that my eldest son finally entered his first pre-school playgroup?? Yap, finally this year, we have enrolled him in Tadika Intelek Kreatif Cemerlang (what a long name!!) to provides him with the quality islamic preschool education (as being said by his principal^_^)
Actually, this preschool was quite new and being introduced by the owner of Haziq's nursery. For the beginning, there are only 5 students consist of Haziq. One thing that i like about this school is it is located same building with my kid's nursery so i don't have to add extra money to pay for his transport chargers
kedekutnye mama ni..Actually, it is not about the money, but i'm quite worried in term of his safety when he take a ride from a van / car (i'm afraid that he will take the wrong vehicles / get into the wrong nursery~~logik tak??)..Well, for me Haziq is still young (he just 3 y.o) so i think maybe it is safe for him to stay at one place only (after the class ends, he can get downstairs to play with Ameera) hihihi;-)
Herm, for starting, i have spent almost RM1k to pay for his registration fees & other things that necessary
ngalahkan anak nak masuk sekolah aje!! but what can i do, i guess this is all that we can give to make him to be a better person!! We are so happy to see that he is so excited to go to school everyday..He even want to wear his school's uniform at our house almost every night~~puas mama pujuk suh tanggalkan tapi tak mahu juga!!~~Haziq..Haziq..
As for me, i have to wake up a bit early than before because i need to prepare him (take him to bath & wearing his school's uniform) and send him to school before 8.30 (class will start at 8.30 am) so i have to take my sleep now, till then..let's have a look on
"budak suka sekolah" first;-

Husna is jealous with his brother

mulut muncung gaya model ke

Haziq with his school's uniform!!
9 ulasan:
Ooo...haziq dah skolah ye?!!!
haziq nampak suka je pakai uniform tu :)
btw zaila, normal dah now ni utk register anak kat kindie kena ada atleast 1K kat tangan..
mana2 kindie pun sama je charged dia...
schools nowadays aren't cheap, kan... tengok my adam nyer kindy bills for 1 year away mahal dr i masuk uitm dulu! ahakss!
good boy haziq...belajar pandai2 eh...
suka haziq dah bersekolah..ameera x nak ikut abg ke ?
Zarin, betol tu..zaila dah survey semua & rata2 memang berhabis banyak tu!!
Lina, agree with you..by the time diorang masuk U tak tahulah habis berapa lagi kan??
Gorjesmum, kalo kat sekolah baik je tapi kat rumah..ya ampuuun..
Has, tak ngikot pula tapi bagus juga..kang penat cikgu dia nak pisahkan mereka nanti;)
smart dio pakai uniform nok gi skoloh hehe
betui la kata zarin tu. private kindie mana ada yang murah dah/ la ni zaman $$$. no $$, no talk babeh!
wahhhh haziq dah masuk sekolahhh... hehehe... be a good boy ya haziq... nampak haziq happy dengan uniform tu... cute sangat...
Yatie chomeyl, besar baju pado tue..hihihi
Chomeyblako, betul tuuuu..pastu mak bapak terpaksalah keje siang malam semata2 nak cari duit sebab nak provide yg terbaik buat anak kan?
Lady, memang dia happy sampai tiap2 malam nak pakai baju sekolah aje
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