Insya Allah, tomorrow i'll be heading to
this restaurant with someone. Nope, i'm not going with my hubby but with someone who are very special. She (ops while zip my mouth) pays all the bill and i'm certainly will enjoy that moment~~huhuhuhu, moga murah rejki kamu~~
Honestly, i never eat at this restaurant before so i didn't know what menu should i order. Luckily, i have asked some people that i believe always dine in this restaurant besides getting some info from the internet. Thanks
Lady for suggesting me to try Shawarma;-

pic credit to
hereI noticed that most of the customer like to order Tarbush Mixed Grill;-

pic credit to
hereAs an appetizer, they suggest to order this Falafel ;-

Pic credit to
hereFor those who have the experience to eat at this restaurant, do share with me what's HOT in Tarbush k;-) By the way, i will go to Tarbush in Sunway!!Hope to enjoy in there^__^
13 ulasan:
me pun tak pernah rasa tarbush punya meal.tapi pernah tengok cheff wan demo makanan tarbush.nampak mcm byk rempah2 diorang guna.hope u'll enjoy the meal n share the taste!
vavava..orang belanje..bestnye
xpernah rasa lagi la..tp besh tu org belanja...;)
tiap kali ke tarbush, sure order shawarma...best!a must try dish hihihi...nanti zaila try la :)
amboi...siap buat homework lagi. very good. hehehe...
btw, i have sent friend request to yr facebook. accept yer. tq.
adakah sama dengan tarbush kat kota bharu? Tak pernah nak try lak kat situ. Bila ek nak pegi ntah.
Elissmie, harap2 sedaplah kan..
ff, rezeki jangan ditolak, musuh jangan dicari!!
Has, tulah zaila dah lama teringin nk makan masakan arab
Zarin, memang nak try ni..ramai review sedap!!
Comeyblako, hahahaa..mestilah..kang g sana order makanan yang ntah hape ntah..wat rugi duit member aje..btw, already add u in fb
KV, kat KB ado jugok ko??waaah, veridevas ni;-)
hehe.. hope u ll have a great time there..
waaa.. bestnyer nak g tarbush! tp part yg paling best sbb ada org nak belanja! ;)
salam zaila..memang cedap makan kat tarbush ni..puas hati walaupun harga dia..mak datuk...
semuga anak kamu berjaya dalam pertandingan tu yer..
ohww...nmpk mengancam makanan2 di tarbush.. tak penah pun try sana.. almaklum nk ke kl pun payah..heheh...tapi yg paling ngancam, bile org belanja laa..hehehe...
akak x penah pegi tarbush ni, best x dik? :)
Lady, really had fun today!!
Wan, alhamdulillah rezeki^__^
Kak Ina, wsalam..thanks ya;)
Maya, sesekali datang ah KL jalan2, leh kita jumpa
CT, sedap juga!!
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