So last week i goggled some best recipes about how to cook Salmon & many of them said that grilled is the best way *of course the easiest & healthiest way* & it just took few minutes just to prepare the menu;) So here goes my simple way in cooking Salmon & thanks to Eynda for sharing her easy peasy way too;)
Can't wait to have another menu using Salmon's fillet. Maybe with an asparagus grilled with broccoli. Argh!! very healthy way to enjoy it indeed;)
Here is the benefits of Salmon that i copy & paste from this website (;-
Salmon is low in calories and saturated fat, yet high in protein, and a unique type of health-promoting fat, the omega-3 essential fatty acids. As their name implies, essential fatty acids are essential for human health but because they cannot be made by the body, they must be obtained from foods. Fish contain a type of essential fatty acid called the omega-3 fatty acids. Wild-caught cold water fish, like salmon, are higher in omega-3 fatty acids than warm water fish. In fact, the fat composition of salmon has recently been evaluated as superior not only because of its rich omega-3 content, but also because of its great ratio of omega-3s to omega-6s and its health-supportive balance of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. Each of these features in the fat composition of salmon helps reduce risk of unwanted inflammation and help maintain the integrity of our immune and circulatory systems. In addition to being an excellent source of omega-3s, salmon are an excellent source of selenium, a very good source of protein, niacin and vitamin B12, and a good source of phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin B6.
for more info, u can continue read in here.
updated!! presenting another menu of Salmon. This time i just steamed some veges like broccoli, baby carrot & asparagus with a little bit of salt. But still can't find lemon in Econsave;D
12 ulasan:
menggoda..bagus budak2 makan salmon ni..kat labuan murah ke kak? berape rm/kg?
i pun suka salmon gaks
salam zaila..auntie suka sangat ikan salmon..mujur dapat makan masa pi london dulu..sana sangat murah..kalau disini sangatlah mahal..
dikb tak ada langsung dijual..agaknya orang sini tak pandai makan kut..
farah, kalu makanan laut memang murah2, kalu xsilap husband akak beli 4 keping harga RM30, lebih kurang sekilo r
yatie, a'a sedap kan;)
salam untie, a'a kalu di KB meme jarang ada ikan salmon ni..maklumlah ike ni mace hanyir juga kan, ada setengah orang macam xleh terima..tapi nak sedap kena makan dengan lemon kan??
lady suka sangat salmon.. sedap sangat rasa lemak2 macam terubuk..
kitorg makan ikan salmon ngan budu, pon sodap! :D mmg rasa dia hanyir lain macam skit,dulu cam takbrapa boleh telan,tp lama2 makan ok lar.. dah takde ikan lain kan..hehehe tp ikan keli bakar lagi sedap kot? :D
Lady, a'a..espicially bila bakar kan..sebut terubuk, bestnya kalau dapat makan terubuk bakar;)
Wan, samerlah kita..haritu i goreng ikan salmon tu then hidang dengan budu, laki i yang xmakan budu pon sampai bertambah2 nasinya;)
byk2 ikan kannnn...ikan salmon laaaa yg saya tak blh makannnnn...mmg jakun sungguh! rugi besorrrrrr...
mJ, awat xleh makan plak??
hanyir ka??
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